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Aug 8, 2011


What is the biblical definition of the word 'heresy'? Many Christians mention that word frequently. Let’s find out heresies that the Bible defines! 

2 Pet. 2:1~3 
But there were also false prophets among the people … They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them-bringing swift destruction on themselves. Many will follow their shameful ways and will bring the way of truth into disrepute. In their greed these teachers will exploit you with stories they have made up. Their condemnation has long been hanging over them, and their destruction has not been sleeping. 

 Heresy brings the way of truth into disrepute. Heresy teaches people with stories men made up, not with the words of the Bible and they will finally destroyed. so through whether or not a church follows the way of the Bible, we can discern what church is heretic. 

 God commands us to keep the Sabbath(Saturday) holy as the fourth commandment of the ten commandments(Ex20:8) and Jesus keep the Sabbath as his custom(Lu 4:16). therefore the church that doesn't keep the Sabbath is heretic. and the church that doesn't keep the Passover is heretic, because the Bible commands us to keep the Passover. Jesus set us an example of keeping the Passover that we should realize the importance of the Passover and keep it.(Mt 26:17~26)

the only standard to determine heresy is the Bible. please distinguish the true church, which follows the teaching of the Bible from the false churches, and enter the kingdom of heaven. 


  1. If those who are keeping the Sabbath and Passover are heresy , Jesus Christ also heresy . Because he kept those.

  2. Only through the Bible, we can distinguish between true church and heresy.
    World Mission Society Church of God which follows the teachings of the Bible is true church.

  3. The church which follows God's word is real Church of God. :)

  4. Heresy is the church which don`t follow God's word.

  5. There are lots of people who say that they believe in Jesus, but they don't follow as what Jesus testified and demonstrated in person, in the bible.
    What a outrageous inconsistence !!!

  6. Heresy and the Truth cannot face the same end!!!
    The Sabbath day and Snnday service are different and the Passover and the Christmas are different!!
    In other words, eternal life and the second death!!Let's follow God's commandments!!!

  7. We can never tell about the heresy without the words of God.
    How can we deny all the truths of the bible even if 99% of people deny it?
    God lead us to the eternal life and nothing guarantees the kingdom of heaven except the word of God, not their opinions or prejudice.
