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Jul 21, 2011

Earthly Mothers Exist Because of Heavenly Mother

The Bible testifies about the earth being a copy and shadow of what is in heaven (Hebrwes 8:5). The shadow is subject to the reality. If the reality [in heaven] did not exist then neither would the shadow. Then specficially through the earthly family system we can come to understand the heavenly family system. Let us look at the physical earthly creation first.
Hebrews 12:9 Thus, the scriptures clearly indicate that just as we have earthly fathers, so also we have a father of our spirits, indicating a distinction between what exists on earth and heaven. Confirming that what exists on earth is a copy and shadow of the heavenly, specifically the family system. Let’s confirm each member of the family exists because also in heaven they exist.
Matthew 6:9 Then Jesus said, “Our Father,” the word of God. Where? In heaven. We can clearly understand. Why did He show? As we have an earthly father, we must have a heavenly Father. Then, can a man be called father without children? No. Then in an earthly family there are children in the same way in the heavenly family children must also exist. What is it that the children call one another? Brothers and Sisters. Let us see:
Matthew 12:48-50 According to Christ did He acknowledge the physical family necessarily to be family? No. Only those who are following God’s will. Those who do God’s will are those who follow God the Father can be called children of God. Then, in order for the children to receive life, who else do they need other than a father? A mother. Without a mother can children exist? Can children receive life? NO. As a mother is essential in the earthly family to give life, so also heavenly Mother is essential in giving spiritual life. Earthly is a copy and shadow of reality. Thus is it possible to be born without a Mother? NO. So, Bible clearly testifies we must have a Mother.
Galatians 4:26 CLEAR. Bible testifies that the Jerusalem above in heaven is “Our Mother.” Without Mother, we cannot enter heaven.
Then, what is the one thing that binds a family together. Even if a child is separated from his/her parents at a young age, what is th one way for that child to distinguish who his/her parents might be? The bloodline or DNA. Then since this is the way God created on earth, what about in heaven? Heavenly, Spiritual family must also have and share the same blood. There is only one way according to the Bible to receive heavenly Father and Mother’s blood. Let’s see:
Luke 22:19-20 Passover. On Passover night He promised His blood. Our Father promised His blood, poured out for you. When keeping the Passover we can receive the promise of the heavenly family. And the confidence to be called children of GOD. Then, not only will we share the same blood, which is unseen, also we will share in something else, which can be seen. Think about it, with a family to the members look alike? Yes, let us see how we will display our Heavenly Father and Mother’s light to the world:
Romans 8:16-17 Just as our Father and Mother have set an example for us by sacrificing Themselves and laying down Their lives for Their children, then we too must sacrifice ourselves, laying down our own lives for our brothers and sisters, so that we too may receive glory in the Kingdom of Heaven.
Please consider becoming a part of the heavenly family while there is still time.

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